

Warmly welcome the 95th Anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union (July 28, 1929 - July 28, 2024)
95 years ago, on July 28, 1929, the Red General Confederation of Tonkin, the predecessor of the Vietnam Trade Union, was officially established, marking a major turning point, affirming the growth of the labor movement and Vietnam revolutionary trade union activities; is the nucleus of mobilization, rallying the working class under the glorious revolutionary banner of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The Vietnam Trade Union Organization has made important contributions to the struggle for national independence. , class liberation and in the work of building and developing the country.

Labor and Trade Union Magazine

Photo source: Labor and Trade Union Magazine

The birth of the Vietnam Trade Union has great significance, marking the growth of the labor movement and the maturity of the Vietnamese working class. Over the past years, the Vietnam Trade Union has continuously matured and grown; mobilized and gathered a large number of workers, officials, and laborers under the revolutionary banner led by the Communist Party of Vietnam to make great contributions to the victory of the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and imperialists. America invaded and built and defended the socialist homeland of Vietnam.

After more than 9 decades of formation and development, the Vietnam Trade Union has continuously grown, matured, accompanied the nation, is a reliable and loyal force and support of the Party, attached by blood and flesh, wholeheartedly strived for the rights of the working class and laborers and made worthy contributions to the great victory of the Vietnamese revolution. The working class and the Vietnam Trade Union are the solid socio-political foundation of our Party and State. The Trade Union is a pioneering socio-political organization in building, rectifying, protecting the Party, and protecting the regime; is a solid support and bridge between workers and laborers with the Party and State. Vietnam's Trade Unions have always been a pioneering force, playing a central role in the country's political life.

During the struggle for national liberation and national unification in the past as well as the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland today, the working class and the Vietnam Trade Union have conducted revolutionary campaigns. enormous, launching widespread patriotic emulation movements, contributing human strength, wealth and blood to the nation's glorious revolutionary cause.

Celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union and the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Public Employees' Union is an important political event marking a new development step of the cadres, civil servants, public employees and labor movement. , of the Vietnam Trade Union, the Vietnam Public Employees' Union in general and the grassroots trade union of Sacom - Chip Sang Co., Ltd. in particular, affirming the historical role and mission of the working class and glorious tradition. and the great contributions of the working class and Vietnam Trade Unions during the country's revolutionary periods under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. This is an opportunity for officials, civil servants, public employees, and workers to review and promote the glorious traditions of the working class and the Vietnam Trade Union; Try your best to emulate and be determined to successfully realize the goal of rich people, strong country, democracy, fairness and civilization.


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