

Dear Customer,
Sacom - Chip Sang Co., Ltd ("SCS Building") would like to send you our respectful greetings and best wishes,
According to the latest information of the Ministry of Health about the acute respiratory tract disease COVID-19, as of 9:30 on 11/03/2020 there have been 118,873 cases of infection, 4,259 deaths and 65,110 cases cured. . Among them, China ranks first with 80,778 cases of infection and 3,158 deaths. Vietnam currently has 34 cases of infection (of which, 16 cases have been cured, 18 cases are being treated and no deaths have been reported).
SCS building has conducted the first disinfection spraying disinfection spray on February 1, 2020 in public areas and around the building, and on February 5, 2020 the building continues to deploy spraying. 2nd disinfecting spray for all offices of customers. However, with the current disease situation being complicated, the risk of infection is very high and fast. SCS Building continues to coordinate with service unit of Cesco Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Cesco) to conduct the 3rd disinfection spraying disinfection at rental offices and public areas with the following content:
  • Estimated time of implementation: Thursday 12/03/2020 from 17:00 to 20:00
  • Implementing entity: Cesco Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Cesco)
  • Cesco staff: Nguyen Tan Thuan, Nguyen Thanh Tin and Tran Ngoc Thach
  • Supervisor SCS: Dinh Hoang Quan - Technical Team Leader: 0978 471 769
  • Bactericidal preparations: S & M CHOLORAMIN B - Certified by the Ministry of Health, Department of Environmental Health Management (attached file)
  • Method of implementation: 02 nebulizers to sterilize.
  • Some notes to ensure safety before and after disinfecting spray in office:
  • There are no employees in the office,
  • Cover food and drink utensils, cups and eating utensils, offices with aquariums that need to cover above the lid,
  • Clean items before use.
  • You need to register via mail before 11h00 on 12/03/2020. All expenses for disinfecting sprays are supported by SCS.
In order to ensure the security and specific characteristics of each Company, please provide the supervising agent information and execution time within the above time frame (attached file).
For further information and suggestions, please contact Customer Care: (+84 28) 5448 1998, Hotline: 0931 114 696 or email:
SCS Building would like to thank,

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