In that spirit, SCS Building is ready to respond to the epidemic, instructing customers in detail on the implementation of Directive No. 16/CT-TTg on urgent measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic at the building.
SCS provides and updates information, dispatches, images continuously in the general customer care groups of the building to support your company to plan and follow the set plan to ensure safety against epidemics such as: comply with the regulations on distance, split shifts, rotate 50% of employees to work from home and work at the office. In addition, the strict implementation of 5K: wear a mask, regularly disinfect, keep a distance of 2m, do not gather more than 2 people - medical declaration has always been applied since the epidemic broke out again in the area. . Employees registered to work during the period of social isolation will take samples for testing every 5-7 days, in order to ensure a safe working environment and comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Health.
* How is Directive 16 applied in Ho Chi Minh City?
*Difference between Directives 15, 16 of the Prime Minister and Directive 10 of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City
Directive 15, Directive 16 of the Prime Minister and Directive 10 of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City are the instructions on measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic such as mass gathering, safe distance. At a minimum, the operation of business establishments, transportation, etc.
SCS well complied with the regulations on the first day of application of According to Official Letter No. 725/KCNC-VP dated July 9, 2021 of the Management Board of the High-Tech Park of Ho Chi Minh City. HCM on the implementation of urgent measures to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic, more specifically, your companies must meet the requirements of "Safe businesses, safe workers".
1. Conduct a self-assessment of infection risk on the website: according to Notice No. 101/TB-KCNC dated June 23, 2021 of the Management Board. SCS building reached the lowest level of "Very low risk" of disease transmission
2. Fully update the policy and list of employees according to Official Letter No. 712/KCNC-QLDN dated July 6, 2021 of the Management Board of the Hi-Tech Park.
3. All employees must make a medical declaration on the medical declaration system of the City Health Department. Ho Chi Minh City
4. Organize for employees and customers to work at the Building Perform screening tests by rapid antigen test every 3 days and update on website: